
SHB EP Huehuetenango Women Coffee




Cup Profile

A honey sweet smooth coffee, with notes of biscuit and a floral black tea finish.


Río Ocho is a small community named after the river that runs through the region, it is a short river that forms in the foothills of the Obrax mountain, Sierra de los Cuchumatanes. The stream flows through the townships of San Juan Atitlán, Todos Santos Cuchumatán, Santiago Chimaltenango, Chiantla, San Pedro Necta and San Antonio Huisa, Department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. This community is made up of approximately 18 coffee-producing members of the COPECAFE cooperative and is located in the town of Santiago Chimaltenango. The main crops grown in this region are corn, beans, coffee, fruits and vegetables. This coffee is harvested separately for each lot, and the collection and selection of the beans is carried out by the members of each family. For the fermentation process, concrete piles are used and on very few occasions wooden crates; the coffee is washed with piped water. The coffee dries 100% naturally in patios specifically designed for this activity, areas that are circulated to avoid any type of contamination; the terraces of the houses are also used to dry the coffee. Producers keep a record of production, wet processing and storage, and then deliver the coffee to FECCEG (Federación Comercializadora de Café Especial de Guatemala) warehouses, accompanied by a shipping note and identification of each lot of coffee. When the coffee enters the dry benefit, the personnel in charge of storage evaluate its quality.

Around 500 female associates receive technical assistance for managing their organic coffee crops, including the implementation of protocols for seven certification seals (e.g., Fairtrade and Organic). Fifty-five of them received support for the establishment and management of coffee nurseries to supply seedlings for the renewal of plantations in their communities, as well as the training necessary to run their own bio-factories. In addition, all female associates continuously receive trainings about gender issues such as: equity and female rights, household economy, and fund-raising activities. The sale of the special branded “Café de Mujeres” (Women Farmers Coffee) has contributed to the economic autonomy of exclusively female cooperative groups, which have also allowed them to be openly part of decision-making spaces in their communities. Just in 2019, 92 micro-credits were assigned under the modality of joint responsibility. 92 women participating in a guided process were given these credits, in which they identify local business opportunities and received training in basic business management. Examples of entrepreneurial ventures are bakery, beauty shop, a convenience store, cultivation of mushrooms, fast food locale, soap manufacture, animal husbandry (eggs, chickens, goats), and manufacture of traditional textiles.
Since the initiation of this program, the women on charge increased the number and size of the credits.


Rio Ocho, Huehuetenango


Project Coffee


1600 m.a.s.l.


Bourbon, Catuaí, Pache, Tipica


January - April




various farms

Bag Size

69kg GrainPro

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