
Preview 2023

From Finca Rosenheim / Peru

From today on we would like to give you an preview of the upcoming coffee year 2023 from the perspective of our producers. We‘ve asked the farmers of your favorite coffees what the situation looks like at their farms/origins. How the harvest turned out or will turn out, what the weather conditions have been or currently are, and what the actual shipping situation looks like. We also wanted to know about new coffees or projects we can look forward to this year...

In the following we have a small summary for you, what awaits us in 2023 referring to the coffees in the different origins. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We asked Mark from Finca Rosenheim / Peru about his outlook for 2023:

„We received the new year welcoming a very delayed rainy season. This long dry period since October has stressed our coffee trees during floration (which is good) and probably contributed to a recovery in our production volume for this year. Our production in 2022 fell by almost 40%, so we are happy to see more coffee cherries developing in our trees and expect an increase in production more similar to the 2020 level. For our export coffee this means that if all goes well we will have by November this year 2 containers ready for export.

Besides that, Peru is again going through a lot of social unrest and things are not looking to improve soon. At least in our area things have been quiet and calm and we have been able to carry on with our work. Right now, as always our greatest challenge and weak spot is our connection to Lima and the port of Callao thru a single highway, that often suffers road blocks by strikes or closures because of landslides or snowstorms.

This year we are also doing a coffee tree nursery for "recalce", which is planting new coffee trees to keep up with around 5000 plants per hectare and keep our plantations with high yield. We are also planting lots of trees, mainly eucalyptus and pine in areas that used to be cattle pastures. These trees are a way of diversifying from coffee and are a good way to grow an extra income in a couple of years when we can extract lumber from them.

I'm also finally going to construct a separate coffee laboratory, to do our sample roasting and quality control better and on the farm. We are starting with this construction in January.
We will be doing our fermentation experiments as always next harvest and see if we can come up with an interesting coffee to offer as a micro lot.“

Thank you Mark! We are curious to see what exciting things there will be to report from Peru this year...

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